Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
Filter by need
- Clothes (2)
- Food and Heating (7)
- Ill Health (16)
- Unemployment (6)
- Children (27)
- Fresh Start (18)
- Housing (6)
- Struggling with Bills/Debt (14)
- Benefit Delays/Sanctions (1)
- White Goods and Furniture (49)
- People with Disability (5)
- Refugees / Asylum Seekers (16)
- Technology (4)
- Domestic Abuse (8)
- Warmer Homes (9)
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This gentleman, who arrived at the centre in a deeply distressed state, has severe learning difficulties and autism, compounded by a history of alcohol and drug challenges. His immediate needs are critical, and we are urgently seeking your support to secure temporary accommodation for him with a four night stay at a bed and breakfast establishment. This will provide him with a safe and stable environment while we work with our sister agencies to assess and develop a long-term, sustainable solution tailored to this gentleman's needs.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200Z, a young man from a family line of tailors, is keen to make Afghan embroidered t-shirts and patterns to sell online. He and his mother have previously made Afghan dresses. A sewing machine in the house would help him make items more efficiently, helping him to build their profile of crafts on online setting sites. Please could you help?
Still £150 left to donate
Total needed £150T is a single mother to four children aged five and six, and three year old twins. Mum is subject to the under occupancy charge and is on a low income. She receives Universal Credit and only receives Child Benefit for two of her children. The twins have outgrown their beds and mum is in need of funding to purchase bunk beds. As she lives in a three bedroom house, the children have to share a bedroom and they are tight on space as the bedrooms are small in size.
Still £195 left to donate
Total needed £200C is twenty six years old and a first time mom. Her baby was born in October 2024 and has numerous health conditions, including a heart condition, and has already had heart surgery amongst other operations. C has been travelling to Birmingham's children's hospital from Oldbury since the baby was born. This has led to mum being unable to save for the items needed for her child. C would like support to purchase the items ready for when baby is discharged from hospital. Any help would be appreciated
Still £180 left to donate
Total needed £200M, who is married and has five dependent children, is living in rented accommodation and currently claiming benefits. Her daughter was groomed in May, has been having a really hard time since, and is struggling with self harm. She took an overdose a few days ago. Mum needs help with the children's room which is a shell with some old beds in it. Her daughter has said it is like an abandoned room and, as she spends all her time there and is not going out, a carpet would help her mental health.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200T, who has lost his job through no fault of his own, is really struggling mentally and financially. He is experiencing very dark thoughts, as he has lost his sense of worth. He feels he was dismissed unfairly, but is struggling to find the energy to fight. Please would you consider supporting T with a shopping voucher to enable him to buy food for himself whilst he negotiates this difficult time of poor mental health and financial difficulty? Thank you so much.
Still £120 left to donate
Total needed £120V got into a really bad place when his business went down due to his caring responsibilities for his elderly father. He spiralled into self-destructive dependency on alcohol and eventually lost his licence. V has now been alcohol free for two years and is desperate to work and provide for his kids again. He has applied for many jobs supporting others that are in a difficult place at the moment, but they all require drivers. V is free to get his licence back, but hasn't got the funds to do so.
Still £90 left to donate
Total needed £90R is a single parent living with three children who is living on Universal Credit. The money she has each month is just enough to cover her household bills with nothing to spare. R lives in a Housing Association property that is uncarpeted and has been like that for over three years. The lack of carpets makes the house cold and damp, and an issue for her asthmatic daughter. We have an absolutely amazing offer of free carpets, but we need a little help with the fitting costs.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200Our applicant is an unaccompanied asylum seeking child who is currently in a NASS (National Asylum Support Service) hotel. He urgently needs funding to top-up his Oyster travel card so that he can travel to his solicitors' offices, and a supermarket voucher to buy some food.
Still £80 left to donate
Total needed £80C, who is a single mum with one son, has been struggling with mental health issues and has not been able to work. She has got into debt and Christians Against Poverty is helping. C has not been able to buy many things for a few months. She needs footwear and clothing for herself and trainers and clothes for her son. Thank you.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200L, who is pregnant, has been a victim of domestic violence and has been living in a caravan with no heating with her young child. She has been lucky enough to recently secure a property with a local housing association, but has nothing; no possessions other than the clothes she fled in. L's only income is Universal Credit and she has no savings or family to help. The new property is not carpeted and mum is desperate to make a safe, warm, secure home for her and her family. Please can you help?
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200With five children, including a new born at home, and both parents working, this family is struggling financially. The school is working closely with the family to support them and they know what a difference it will make for the child to go away and experience the residential. We are grateful for any support towards the cost.
Still £150 left to donate
Total needed £200M is a single parent with two small children and a third child due to be born in seven weeks time. They live in a one bedroom flat where the cooker has broken and needs replacing. Mum cannot work due to complications with her first birth. Her partner walked out on her just before Christmas and M is still in the process of sorting out her finances; therefore, she just cannot afford a cooker.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200L lost her mum last year and has fled an abusive, narcissist relationship where her ex-partner kept all her household furniture and white goods. L was registered homeless until she secured a property in October last year. She is disabled, with multiple health conditions including bipolar, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), anxiety and liver failure. L can't work and is living on state benefits. The property she rents is uncarpeted and she simply can't afford to fit them. We're hoping our kind Acts 435 donors will help.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200C, who needs a new washing machine for her family of five, relies on benefits, due to mental health, and needs support to make sure her and her children have clean clothes to wear daily, especially for nursery. C has asked for help as she's struggling to save after bills and essentials have been sourced for herself and her family.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200L is an asylum seeker from Botswana whose father died when she was young and was sent to live with her uncle. He abused her and when L reported him, he threatened her life. Her uncle is a powerful man, involved in politics, and L had to flee her country in fear of her life. She has no phone to contact people or to hear from the Home Office, and she has no clothes or shoes suitable for a British winter. We would love to provide these as L currently only receives £8 per week from the Home Office.
Still £160 left to donate
Total needed £160W is a single father of two children, aged three and four. The children's mother is struggling with addiction and mental health issues, and is not allowed custody of the children. At long last the family has been granted permanent council accommodation; however, the flat did not come with any type of cooker. W is currently cooking using an air fryer, and warming baked beans and vegetables in his kettle. We would like to provide him with a cooker and have it installed safely so that he can cook healthy meals.
Still £180 left to donate
Total needed £180W is a thirty nine year old single gentleman who has no means of cooking and urgently requires a cooker. He is no longer able to work, owing to extreme anxiety and schizophrenia. He was rehomed recently after spending time in a hostel, and is on medication for his health condition. We are appealing for help with carpets as there is no carpet in W's current home and he has been unable to meet the costs himself.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200G, her husband and two young children, the youngest being just six months old, live in privately rented accommodation. They have leave to remain in UK, but with no resource to public funds, they are experiencing financial difficulties and struggling to cover rent, bills, and basic necessities. G is currently unemployed, and her husband is employed part-time. They were referred to our food bank by the local refugee and migrant advice centre for food and general advice. They particularly need £200 for a mattress and bedding.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200C, who was in supported housing and has just been moved, is being assisted by a support worker and his dad. He is just starting a full-time job and is struggling as he hasn't been paid yet. C, who has had to rely on a food bank, due to the cost of moving, would appreciate your support in helping him get a cooker.