£0 remaining for a Debt Relief Order
C, a single guy in rehabilitation for addictions, has accrued large debts, but does not see himself returning to work in the foreseeable future as he has health conditions as well. Please would you consider helping him deal with his debts via a Debt Relief Order? He has been in debt for many years and longs for that fresh start. Thanks for considering helping this guy.
S has been through financial hardship recently, due to ongoing health issues which have stopped her from working. As a single parent, she lacks support and is having to make ends meet with limited income. S received a Debt Relief Order this year which has helped relieve some financial burden and stress. Her housing association is about to renovate her kitchen and she will be unable to have her old oven and hob refitted. This support will let S replace her oven and hob with second-hand equipment.
Our applicant is a refugee whose children have joined her through Family Reunion, and also has a young baby aged one. Mum has been placed in temporary accommodation by the council, but it is sparsely furnished. She would like some home items for her children. Specifically, her youngest child is crawling and learning to walk so mum would like a rug for them to learn to walk on. She would also like a desk and chair for the children to do their homework, and a wardrobe for the children's clothes.
This brilliant mum of three young children is doing everything to focus on her children and give them a safe space to thrive in. At the moment, she does not have the storage for any of their clothes and this is creating clutter, less space and added stress for the family. Providing a wardrobe will help alleviate the worry and help create a safe space for the family. Please can you help?