£0 remaining for a sofa and a large table and chairs
Mum, who fled the family home due to an abusive relationship, has five children and has been living in temporary accommodation. She has been given a fresh start and is moving into her own house. Mum is struggling financially as she is on basic benefits and has no savings. She has nothing to sit on and nowhere for her children to sit together as a family during meal times, which is very important to her. Mum wants to provide a safe and secure home for her children. Any financial support will really help.
M is a single mum who was in temporary accommodation, due to a breakdown in marriage. She has been given a new property which has concrete floors, and is in need of a living room carpet as this is the main room they will all be using. M has applied for a job (and hopefully will get it) as she had to leave her last employment, due to moving to a different area. M, who is waiting for her benefits to be processed, is stressed due to all the life changes she is experiencing.
N is twenty seven years old and has two small children. Her relationship with the children's dad has ended after suffering from domestic violence. N works part-time and also receives Universal Credit. Her ex-partner has taken items out of the home which he bought, including the fridge freezer, so mum now has nowhere to store the baby's milk and fresh food. N has no way of paying for a fridge freezer as, once the rent and bills are paid, there is very little money left. Please could you help them?
F is a single mum with five children who suffered domestic abuse and was living in very poor conditions. She is desperate for a stairs carpet, due to the one she had being taken up as it was a hazard and was causing the children to fall on regular occasions. F is on a low income and has no support from family as they do not believe in divorce.