£0 remaining for food and school uniform
T suffers with agoraphobia, a debilitating mental health disorder that can help fuel her gambling addiction. She is now getting help, but has amassed a serious debt which she is also now seeking help with. T wants to get her life on track and be the best mum she can to her thirteen year old daughter, but is really struggling on her benefit income. Could you please consider helping this lady and her daughter with some funds toward food and school uniform whilst she receives the help she needs? Thank you.
E is a single mum with two dependant children who suffers from severe anxiety and depression, brought on after being attacked. This means that she has found it difficult to deal with her finances and has got into debt. E is only in receipt of benefits as she is not working due to her many health problems. She is hoping to apply for a Debt Relief Order which will enable her to start afresh with her children. In the meantime, E would appreciate help to buy food and essentials for herself and her children. Thank you.
K is a single mum to two daughters aged five year old and five month old daughter. She was abandoned by the father of her children in her recent pregnancy, so is struggling financially, particularly, as she is now on maternity leave from work so has a limited income. K has moved to a much needed bigger flat and has spent her savings on doing so. Mum's flat has no cooker and she would be grateful for any help to purchase one so that she can feed herself and her children appropriately.
J, an older lady in her seventies, whose relationship has broken down, is struggling to make ends meet and cannot afford to stay in the house her and her husband bought together. The house is in a state of disrepair and J feels she needs to move to supported living accommodation. She does not have a phone and this is making life that much harder, leading to her feeling isolated. Please would you consider helping J to purchase a phone, so that she can reconnect and be more able to actively seek to move?