£100 remaining for a replacement phone handset
There is a lot in K's life to cause her stress. She lives alone, her children are not with her at present, she has some debts and just doesn't have enough money coming in to live on. K is taking steps to straighten things out with the help of local agencies. However, her phone has broken, making it extremely difficult to keep in regular contact with those who are helping her. £100 will enable her to get a phone with which she can also access the internet and work online when she needs to.
M, who is disabled, has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), mobility issues due to having surgery on both knees and his lower back, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and poor mental health. Due his health conditions, M has been rehoused into a bungalow, but unfortunately, there are no carpets down throughout the property and this is affecting his health, due to the dust impacting on his breathing and mobility. Carpeting the property would have a huge impact on M's health and wellbeing. Please can you help with the fitting cost?
L has been homeless for the past fifteen months, but has finally been offered a new home by a local social landlord. She was forced to move, due to domestic violence and is trying her best to make her house a home, but cannot afford to carpet the house. L, who is amazing, isn't working yet and her only income is Universal Credit. We have an offer of free carpets, which is just amazing, but need some kind Acts 435 donors to help us with the cost of carpet fitting.
L, who has recently been rehoused due to fleeing domestic abuse, left the women's refuge with literally just the clothes she was wearing and set up home from scratch. Her income is only Universal Credit, but L is looking for work as she wants to live as normal a life as possible. Her new home has no carpets down, but we can provide these free of charge if we can just get a little help with the fitting costs.