£0 remaining for kitchen items, bedding and bathroom items
N, who has been battling poor mental health and is really winning, has part-time employment and is doing well at work. She has taken charge of her physical and mental health too and we are so proud! N is now earning enough to move out of an emotionally abusive home, but needs kitchen and bathroom supplies. She got a lot of items from jumble sales, but needs a microwave, kettle and toaster set and some pans for the kitchen, a duvet cover, pillowcase and bed sheet for her bed, and a toilet brush, bathroom bin and other bathroom necessities which she cannot afford on her tight budget. N is so kind and supportive of others, she just needs a little kindness now to help her succeed.
The client is an Indian citizen who has lived in the UK for 20 years. He is currently homeless and without immigration status. He does not have an Indian passport and needs one for ID purposes. He is struggling with daily life due to not having any ID. Having a passport would also help his immigration case to progress quicker.
C is a 43 year old gentleman with disabilities who is also battling to overcome addiction issues. He has recently been re-homed for a fresh start, however he has limited funds to start his new life. He really needs a bedding set including a duvet and cover, a pillow, pillowcase and a sheet. We will order the items for him with a view to helping with his fresh start.
S was evicted from his home, but through the help of a local charity he has now found somewhere to live and he is very happy. He has long term chronic health problems and he is unable to work. S feels the cold and he has been advised to improve his diet. He would benefit from a small fridge, a kettle and toaster that he can keep in his room. He also needs new bedding as his old bedding was damp and couldn't be taken with him to his new home.