£0 remaining for family clothes and shoes
S is an asylum seeker from Iran who is accompanied by her husband and son, aged eleven. They had to flee from Iran because they converted from Islam to Christianity and their lives were in danger, as a result. The family are urgently in need of winter clothes and shoes, as they have nothing suitable for the current weather. S would also like to buy a football for her son, if funds allow.
A is a single man living in shared accommodation who has a number of health conditions including myelofibrosis, gout, anxiety and depression. He works ten hours a week, but his health means he is unable to work more. A receives Universal Credit and Housing benefit, but his income does not cover outgoings and he is reliant upon community larders. His car exhaust needs replacing. Due to health conditions, A is reliant upon his car for getting around, but is unable to cover the full cost.
A is a foodbank client who urgently needs a new fridge-freezer. She lives in a one-bedroom flat with her husband and son. A is unable to work, due to suffering with fibromyalgia and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). She receives Universal Credit and her husband has a part-time job, but they do not earn enough to make ends meet each month. They would be so grateful for any contributions towards this essential appliance. Thank you.
This man was homeless, but has managed to move to a small rented home. He is on Universal Credit with no savings, and the new home is unfurnished. He already has a cooker, but this request will enable him to buy a second-hand fridge freezer and washing machine.