£0 remaining for a washing machine
C has two small children and is pregnant. Her washer has broken and she is really panicky because she can't get to a laundrette and her washing is building up, with a friend having done a bit of it. C is on basic benefits and hasn't been able to save for a washing machine, especially straight after Christmas. Please could we help her?
A is a single man who has just been given a council bungalow. He is starting from scratch as, following his relationship breakdown, he has not had settled accommodation, relying on friends and family. A has health issues and receives Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment. He has a great opportunity to start afresh, but is not in a position financially to equip his new home. Family is trying to help, but your assistance in helping A to purchase a cooker would be a real blessing. Thank you.
This former heroin addict and prison leaver has been in employment for the last eleven months, showing excellent and consistent progress. R, who is eight months pregnant, has been sleeping on her mum’s sofa since leaving prison, but has just been given the keys to her own flat. Her work friends have been helping her clean and strip the walls, but the walls are damaged and some re-plastering is needed before the painting can start to enable R to move into her new home before her baby is due.
In the new year, D's fridge freezer stopped working properly and she needs to buy a replacement. She uses the fridge to store her medications, as well as food. D has recently migrated onto Universal Credit from Employment and Support Allowance, but is still struggling to budget with monthly payments. She will be able to top-up this gift and buy a reconditioned fridge freezer, so will be very grateful for any support.