£0 remaining for a fridge freezer
L is currently living in a single room in temporary shared accommodation, following a house fire where he lost everything, and then being homeless. He is on the waiting list for his own accommodation. L has a number of health concerns including a twisted hernia, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and unstable personality disorder, meaning he is unable to work. L is in receipt of Universal Credit. We are requesting support for a fridge freezer to support him in his current and future living situation.
K is a single lady who currently has her grandchildren living with her, aged ten and fifteen. She has a number of health conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, rheumatism and arthritis. Her ten year old grandson also has autism. The fridge freezer has broken and K is unable to afford a new one, which is needed in order to be able to feed the family properly. We are asking for support to fund a fridge freezer for this family.
X and her two children have been though a lot in the last couple of years. Mum managed to leave an abusive relationship which left them sofa surfing for a year. The local council finally placed them in temporary accommodation, but away from support. They were there for eight months before the council gave her keys to another home. X needs everything to fit out this new home. We have managed to source many items, but are still missing white goods required for mum and two kids. A fridge freezer would be an enormous help for this family.
H is a thirty seven year old single mother of four children, aged between nine and fifteen. She receives Universal Credit, child benefit and a further allowance for her twelve year old son who has severe learning difficulties. Mum has no parental support and it is very important for her to provide a clean and safe home for her family. H has asked for a replacement single mattress for her youngest son, with an estimated cost of £150.