£0 remaining for bedding
C is a 43 year old gentleman with disabilities who is also battling to overcome addiction issues. He has recently been re-homed for a fresh start, however he has limited funds to start his new life. He really needs a bedding set including a duvet and cover, a pillow, pillowcase and a sheet. We will order the items for him with a view to helping with his fresh start.
This woman is in need of a replacement chest of drawers as her current one has broken and she is unable to afford a replacement. This woman, who is on a low income and has mental health issues, is struggling to manage without proper storage for her clothes. She has only recently moved into a new home and would be extremely grateful for your support.
AB is a single parent with two young children who has recently be rehoused into permanent, unfurnished accommodation. Mum is working two jobs; however, even with the support of Universal Credit, she is struggling to meet outgoing costs and the daily expenses of raising a young family on her own. The siblings, aged thirteen and fifteen, are currently sharing a double mattress on the floor. Your support with £200 would pay for a mattress and divan.
This lady struggles with her mental health and has significant debts that we are supporting her with. She is studying at university to better her prospects. Previously homeless, she recently has moved into council accommodation and is making strides on her own. Having no family support and a low income, due to being a student, this lady is in need of white goods to help her get settled in her home, specifically a fridge freezer. This would help her quality of life greatly.