£0 remaining for a double mattress and four dining chairs
A lived with his wife and children in his mother's house, but when his mother died, he and his family were made homeless. When they moved out, they had to leave all furniture. They are now in temporary accommodation. One of the mattresses is old and the dining chairs are unstable. A, who is on Universal Credit, is in debt and unable to afford new furniture. The debt arose when living in a temporary hotel where they had to buy in food as they had no kitchen. A would appreciate any help towards the family's new beginning.
This client had to leave her home, due to safety concerns caused by her ex-partner's alcohol addiction. She also endured domestic violence during her marriage to the children' father. Mum, therefore, suffers from trauma and is receiving support to help her settle her into her new home. Her children's bunk beds broke during the house move, so they are currently sharing a bed with their mother. Mum is in receipt of Universal Credit and struggling to get by. Could you please assist with the cost of beds?
This single mum, aged forty, with two children is struggling to pay bills on her wage only until the Home Office renew her visa, allowing her to claim benefits to top-up her wage. Mum's freezer has broken and this is the one way she is able to reduce food costs by buying in larger quantities. Please would you help her by contributing towards this amount needed?
This young woman has had her world turned upside down. She did work in the supermarket Lidl, however, her partner developed a condition which meant he lost his sight and hearing. She went from being an independent mother to being a full-time-carer. Mum doesn't complain and just wants what's best for her family. When their washing machine and fridge freezer broke in the same month, they had nowhere to turn for help, so approached our charity. We have provided a fridge freezer, and we can also contribute towards a washing machine, but we can't fund all of it. Please can you help?