£0 remaining for a bed and mattress
This teenager has no contact with her mum, and her dad is homeless. She was living with her partner’s family; however, due to breakdown in relationship, K needed to leave their home. She is with her friend’s family, who have agreed to support her. K is currently sleeping on a camp bed which is broken and uncomfortable. She needs a bed to meet her basic needs and to reduce the risk of her becoming a looked after child by the local authority. With your kind donations, we wish to help.
N is a single mother of a SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) child. She works part-time and her income is supplemented by benefits. Mum's cooker has broken, and her low income means that she is unable to replace it. She has no close family to help her, and is isolated with her child. N would really appreciate it if you could support her and her child.
Y is a single mum who has been living in a hostel with her four children aged eleven, twelve, sixteen and eighteen years old. The family has just moved into a council house, but it is unfurnished with no beds, white goods or even a carpet. Mum, who is on Universal Credit, has saved any spare money to carpet, paint and buy something to sleep on, and she has a small cooking plate. Y is in desperate need of a washing machine to keep on top of the amount of dirty clothes created by her family. Any donations would be so gratefully received.
HS is an Iranian Kurd who, after five years in this country, is now settled and was joined by his wife and two children in July. They have been provided with accommodation, but have little furniture beyond the bare essentials, a bed, table and chairs. They are desperately in need of a wardrobe as clothes are just piled up on the floor. Also, they don't have an oven, so we are going to provide them with a microwave.