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Donate to an urgent need

Against a backdrop of squeezed donors, we have much to be thankful for [...] We will continue to bang that drum of being a free resource for local churches and charities.
Jenny Herrera, Executive Director Read full storyHow it works
100% of your donation goes to the recipient's need and you receive a thank you update when the need has been met
A local church or charity becomes an Acts 435 partner
Partners post urgent needs on behalf of people in their community
Donors read stories of need and give through the Acts 435 platform
Partner contacts person in need and gives the item so desperately needed
Giving to anyone who has a need, all across the UK.

given to people in need

of requests met by donors in full

individuals helped by Acts 435
Give to an urgent need today!
The average time for a need to be fully funded is currently 6 days
£200 needed for carpet fitting
L lost her mum last year and has fled an abusive, narcissist relationship where her ex-partner kept all her household furniture and white goods. L was registered homeless until she secured a property in October last year. She is disabled, with multiple health conditions including bipolar, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), anxiety and liver failure. L can't work and is living on state benefits. The property she rents is uncarpeted and she simply can't afford to fit them. We're hoping our kind Acts 435 donors will help.
£160 needed for a mobile phone, winter clothing and shoes
L is an asylum seeker from Botswana whose father died when she was young and was sent to live with her uncle. He abused her and when L reported him, he threatened her life. Her uncle is a powerful man, involved in politics, and L had to flee her country in fear of her life. She has no phone to contact people or to hear from the Home Office, and she has no clothes or shoes suitable for a British winter. We would love to provide these as L currently only receives £8 per week from the Home Office.
£180 needed for a cooker
W is a single father of two children, aged three and four. The children's mother is struggling with addiction and mental health issues, and is not allowed custody of the children. At long last the family has been granted permanent council accommodation; however, the flat did not come with any type of cooker. W is currently cooking using an air fryer, and warming baked beans and vegetables in his kettle. We would like to provide him with a cooker and have it installed safely so that he can cook healthy meals.
£200 needed for supplying and fitting living room carpets
W is a thirty nine year old single gentleman who has no means of cooking and urgently requires a cooker. He is no longer able to work, owing to extreme anxiety and schizophrenia. He was rehomed recently after spending time in a hostel, and is on medication for his health condition. We are appealing for help with carpets as there is no carpet in W's current home and he has been unable to meet the costs himself.
£200 needed for an electric cooker
C, who was in supported housing and has just been moved, is being assisted by a support worker and his dad. He is just starting a full-time job and is struggling as he hasn't been paid yet. C, who has had to rely on a food bank, due to the cost of moving, would appreciate your support in helping him get a cooker.
£200 needed for a fridge freezer
G, her husband and their two children, the youngest being just six months old, live in privately rented accommodation. They have leave to remain in UK, but with no resource to public funds, are experiencing financial difficulties, and struggling to cover rent, bills, and basic necessities. G is currently unemployed and her husband is employed part-time. They have used the foodbank to help feed the family. A fridge freezer would enable them to shop more economically and eat more healthily.
£200 needed for an electricity debt
K is a single mum to three boys, one under school age who has additional needs. They have been living in a small flat that has mould issues. M needs to pay her electricity debt so she can move to having a smart meter, which will make life easier for her to control the use of electricity, and be more economical to run. We hope this will prevent K from falling behind with payments again. She would really appreciate your support.
£200 needed for supplying and fitting a bedroom carpet
P, who is blind, is waiting for his benefits to be processed. He was living with a family member, but now is on his own. P has no carpet in the bedroom and cannot put rugs down as this could be a trip hazard for him. He is struggling financially and in debt due to family member dealing with his finances and buying items unknown to him. P has no other family to help him. His support worker is helping and so are other charities, trying to resource house items for him. Please can you help?
£200 needed for an electric cooker
R has recently moved and is struggling to afford goods for her new property. She receives disability benefits as she has mental health difficulties and finds communication very difficult. R has tried hard to source items from various free sites and from friends, but is without an electric cooker. She would appreciate your support in helping to purchase a cooker.
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