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Donate to an urgent need
I could have cried, I felt so overwhelmed. My house no longer feels like a garage. It feels like a nice family home.
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100% of your donation goes to the recipient's need and you receive a thank you update when the need has been met
A local church or charity becomes an Acts 435 partner
Partners post urgent needs on behalf of people in their community
Donors read stories of need and give through the Acts 435 platform
Partner contacts person in need and gives the item so desperately needed
Giving to anyone who has a need, all across the UK.
given to people in need
of requests met by donors in full
individuals helped by Acts 435
Give to an urgent need today!
The average time for a need to be fully funded is currently 9 days
£200 needed for carpet fitting
R is a twenty three year old single mum with a little boy aged two. Her only income is Universal Credit and she has no savings. R has been living with her mum, but has now been offered a property through the local authority. Unfortunately, there are no carpets anywhere in the house. R is desperate for her house to become a home and is praying that kind Acts 435 donors will help with this.
£200 needed for double orthopaedic mattress and pillow
SE, a past domestic violence victim, is registered disabled and suffers from Meniere's Disease, low moods and depression. She struggles to leave the house some days, and is on anti-sickness tablets daily to help with her extreme vertigo. SE is single and has a little job at a café, doing light duties, but struggles to go in some weeks. Her boss is understanding. SE has been advised that a thick, firm, orthopaedic mattress will help her condition and a thicker pillow will help with her vertigo.
£150 needed for debt arrears
This supported person, who is suffering with seizures and poor mental health, lives alone. He has debt arrears which he is slowly paying off, but we would like to help him clear the debts so we can apply to get him a flat nearer his family. There is a constant worry that this person will have a seizure alone at home and nobody will know about it. £150 will help reduce the amount of his payment plan.
£200 needed for a rent top-up
This single mum, who has three children, including a four month old baby, is changing over to Universal Credit (UC) in mid October. Money is very short, as she pays £200 a month top-up on her rent. Mum is really concerned as to how she will get through the wait until her UC is paid. SMILE Faithworks has worked with her on a budget, is helping with food and applying to reduce or freeze bills were possible. We are seeking £200 to prevent mum going into debt with her rent, due to changing over to UC.
£200 needed for a bed and mattress
The gentleman, who has just moved into a flat, following a period of homelessness, is trying to rebuild his life whilst dealing with severe mental and physical health issues. He currently lacks many household items and sleeps on the floor, as he doesn't have funds for furniture. This is making this gentleman's health conditions worse, so we would like to help him to sleep peacefully in his own bed. We are supporting him to obtain health-related benefits so he can start to move forward in life.
£200 needed for a fridge freezer and a dining table
Due to being in a very violent relationship, J has had to flee her home into emergency accommodation with her one year old and seven year old daughters. Mum is trying to furnish the property, but cannot afford to buy a fridge freezer or dining table. J has been under an immense amount of pressure whilst trying to escape domestic violence, and wants to start afresh with her two children. We need your support to give this mum and her children the chance to live in a safe, happy environment without fear.
£200 needed for a cooker
A member of our food pantry disclosed that he does not have a working cooker. He is unable to purchase a new oven, as he is unable to work after being discharged from the army with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our client has no savings or extra funds, once the bills are paid.
£200 needed for a removal van
This single gentleman, aged fifty seven, is in his first real home after being homeless. He is currently using most of his benefit money to pay for storage, as he cant afford to hire a ‘man with a van’ to move the items to his new home. Please would you consider donating £200 so that we can organise this on his behalf?
£200 needed for an electric cooker
Our client has just moved into permanent accommodation, from temporary housing, following a period of homelessness. He has nothing to cook upon and so urgently needs an electric stove. Our client's Universal Credit application is in process and so he has no funds at all at present.
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