January Focus: Money and Mental Health
"It’s hard to escape the figures that surface at this time of the year around mental health problems and increased rates of suicide. ‘Blue Monday’, in mid-January, is said to be ‘the most depressing day of the year’. Although the evidence for this is limited, dreary weather, poor finances post-Christmas and the pressure and stress of the new year can leave many of us feeling a little down.
It is, however, particularly difficult for those living on and below the poverty line. As the ‘Money and Mental Health Policy Institute’ has reported, those suffering with poor mental health are considerably more likely to fall into problem debt and struggle to save, and they may often resort to borrowing. For those already living on a very low income, this places greater strain on their finances, and subsequently, their ability to cope with the emotional strain.
This month we’ll be using our ‘Saturday shoutout’ to highlight the impact of four of our many partners working to support those in their communities suffering with poor mental health and meeting emotional and practical needs in time of mental health crisis.
Last year 396 requests made via our website under the ‘struggling with bills and debt’ mentioned mental health as a contributing factor. Whilst this number points to the correlation between poor mental health and financial difficulty, we are continually thankful for our generous donors alleviating financial hardship through giving.
Please join us this month in praying for those struggling with mental health difficulties, and especially for those experiencing difficulties exacerbated by their financial circumstances. If you feel able to give to those struggling with bills and debt this month, you are able to do so here."