Leicester - we need you!
In the last few weeks our team has been looking at our UK coverage in comparison to the deprivation and population density of the UK. Each month we will focus on one area that we hope to grow our network in 2024. This month we are focusing on Leicester.

By looking at the Government Census map, the Living Wage Commission's list of the poorest areas, and the Consumer Data Research Centre's English Indices of Deprivation we found the areas of the UK that have the most need, and may require Acts 435 most.
We then looked at these areas, and where we needed more Acts 435 partners to help meet the need.
Leicester was one of the areas that we identified that has a high amount of deprivation, and therefore need. We also have very few church/charity partners in Leicester so we want to find more who are either already seeing the need in their local community or who want to step out to help those facing crisis or hardship.
Do you know of a church or local charity in Leicester who might benefit from Acts 435? If so, please drop them a message and share our Partner with Us page with them!
If you're meeting with people face-to-face we also have many Resources that you could hand to them, please email communications@acts435.org.uk to request some!