Refugee Week 2021

This week is Refugee Week (, and the theme this year is 'We Cannot Walk Alone'. This feels especially true of many circumstances faced by refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, some of which you will find under the category 'Refugees and Asylum Seekers' on our website.

Refugees and asylum seekers leave their homes, jobs, families and communities, and seek refugee in another country. They have often experienced trauma, distress and loss, and find themselves in a unknown place, often experiencing obstacles including language barriers.

At Acts 435 partner with some churches and charities who reach out to those settling in the UK, and we're always thankful to enable our donors to directly give towards their needs. However, we would love to reach more refugees through the work of churches and local charities who are already connecting with them. If you often see refugees in need of small, essential needs then we would be really interested to hear from you.

Recently donors have been able to give towards a mobile phone, a fridge and fees for an IELTS test (which is a test refugees must take before applying to study here). The young lady, who was helped with the test fees, was so grateful to be given the opportunity and said:

Hi. I would like to say a huge thank you for your kind gift. I have now been able to book my IELTS test and am well on my way to University and a brighter future, many thanks to you. I will not forget this important step on my journey.

If your church or local charity would like to partner with Acts 435 to reach refugees and asylum seekers in your community with small, but essential, needs then fill out the form here:

If you're a church and aren't currently involved with serving refugees and asylum seekers, but would be interested to hear about how you can begin to do this please do take a look at the website of our friends Welcome Churches:

If you're interested in donating towards requests for help, you can view the requests here: