School Uniform Appeal 2022

Each year we highlight, and ask you to give, to the many families that are struggling to purchase school uniforms for their children. This year there are even more reasons why families will find it even harder to afford this expense. The cost of living crisis continues as many parents are skipping meals to afford their monthly bills, the thought of buying uniform is out of reach. In 2020 research by the Children's Society showed the average spent on school uniform per year was £337 for each secondary child and £315 for primary*. If families have more children this cost increases, even if they are able to recycle some items for younger siblings.
There are many fantastic local charities up and down the country who provide uniform banks and swapping facilities, but this has not become widespread enough to serve all low income families and make sure all children are well provided for in time for the academic year. This is where Acts 435 donors can step in to help, by donating towards the uniform costs of individual families known to our local Advocates to have this need. Not only does help with school uniform lift a burden from parents, it also gives the opportunity for children to have the confidence when they go to school.
One local Advocate explains just one mum's reaction to the help to purchase school uniform for her daughter:

This mum was so very grateful for the help given to buy new school uniform. When given the voucher she was so overcome - she said "I've gone all goosepimply". She explained having this help will make such a difference to both her and her daughter, and they can now look forward to the start of term not only with excitement but also with the confidence that she will be the same as everyone else and not stand out for all the wrong reasons!

If you would like to help a family, like this one, who are facing difficult financial decisions, please click on the button below to see all the current requests for help.
Are school uniforms too expensive for some families?* (