Other ways to give

There are other ways that you can give to Acts 435 if you don't want to decide which individual requests to give towards, or if you would like to fundraise to support our work.

General and Monthly Donations

You can make general donations, large or small, to requests within specific areas or specific categories. Fill out the form here to add donations to your gift basket. The Acts 435 team will allocate them to the most urgent requests.

If you would like to make a donation on a monthly basis, please see our Giving Monthly to Acts 435 page.

PayPal Donations

If you want to give to a specific request, please go to that request and select how much you would like to give. When you go through to making a payment you will be offered the option of using Paypal at the top of the page.

You can also make random donations, large or small, with Paypal to requests within specific areas or in specific categories. Click on either 'larger donations' or 'random giving' and fill in the form to indicate which type of requests you would like your donation to be allocated to.

If you want to make a direct donation through Paypal then head to our PayPal page.

CAF/ Stewardship

If you have an account with the Charities Aid Foundation or with Stewardship, and prefer to give through these accounts, we do not want you to feel excluded from supporting Acts 435. The beauty of Acts 435 is that donors can select specific requests that they want to give to and know they are directly helping an individual in need. The use of debit and credit cards and Paypal, all operated through Sagepay, ensures the money is received by Acts 435 quickly and sent on to the local church to get to the person in need in a matter of days.

Unfortunately CAF and Stewardship are not integrated with Sagepay and as a result we are not able to offer this facility when you give to a specific request. However, you can give to Acts 435 through these accounts and your donation will be applied to the most urgent requests. If you want it to be applied to a specific type of request or specific area of the country, please contact us to communicate this preference. We trust you will understand that the time delay in receiving the funds through CAF/ Stewardship cannot guarantee that your preferences will always be met. The best way to ensure your donation goes to the requests that most appeal to you is to give instead with a debit or credit card.

Thank you for your understanding and for your support!

https://www.cafonline.org/my-personal-giving/start-giving/donate-now - please search Acts 435 or charity number 1131305


Cheques, Standing Orders and Payroll Giving

If you prefer to make a donation by personal cheque you can do so by making it payable to Acts 435 and sending it to Acts 435, The Gateway Centre, Front Street, Acomb, York, YO24 3BZ.

Your donation will be applied to the most urgent requests. If you want it to be applied to a specific type of request or specific area of the country, please include this information when you send your cheque. We trust you will understand that the time delay in receiving the funds through a personal cheque cannot guarantee that your preferences will always be met.

If you are a UK tax-payer, please can you include a note to confirm this, and give your postal address which is the only other information we would require to enable us to reclaim a further 25% of your donation through the HMRC.

We send out mailshots twice a month by email. If you would like to receive these, please supply an email address.

If you would like to set up a standing order, please complete the form below or email admin@acts435.org.uk to communicate this and receive our bank details to set it up. As with a cheque, your standing order will be applied to the most urgent requests but you can stipulate a region or category if you wish and these preferences will be honoured each month when the donation is allocated. Please note that standing orders will not appear in your registered account if you have a log-in on our website and you will not receive thank you emails from recipients if you give in this way.

If you want to give to Acts 435 through your work payroll giving scheme, we would be delighted to receive your support in this way! If we receive money through a PAYE scheme and have not been told where it is coming from, we will simply apply the donations to our most urgent requests. If we are given contact details we will ask you if you have a particular preference with regard to type of request or region. Similarly you can contact us directly to let us know your preference at admin@acts435.org.uk

All donations given to Acts 435, in whatever way they are made, are always applied to live requests for help posted by our advocates. Gift Aid receipts alone cover the charity's administration costs.

You can download the standing order form here: standing-order-form


When writing your Will you can choose to name ACTS 435 and leave us a legacy. 100% of what you leave will be applied to online requests to help those in need and you can stipulate whether you would like those requests to be in a particular region of the UK or for a particular category of need such as young people, the elderly, the unemployed, etc. We will apply the funds to requests meeting your wishes as and when they are posted on the website.

There are three ways that you can leave a gift in your Will to ACTS 435:

  1. You could leave a share of your residuary estate
  2. You could leave a specific cash sum
  3. You could leave a specific item

If you decide to remember ACTS 435 in your Will it is important to get the wording right. Make sure you include our full name, our registered charity number and our registered address: Acts 435, The Gateway Centre, Front Street, Acomb, York, YO24 3BZ. (Registered charity number in England and Wales: 1131305; in Scotland SCO42550)

Please ask your solicitor to use one of the following suggested wordings:

Residuary bequests

Subject to the payment of my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, I give the whole/ ___% of my estate not otherwise disposed of by this my Will to ACTS 435 (a charity registered in England and Wales (1131305)) of ACTS 435, The Gateway Centre, Front Street, Acomb, York, YO24 3BZ for the general purposes of ACTS 435 and I declare that the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge.

Pecuniary bequest

I give free of tax to ACTS 435 (a charity registered in England and Wales (1131305)) of Acts 435, The Gateway Centre, Front Street, Acomb, York, YO24 3BZ, the sum of £______ for the general purposes of ACTS 435 and I declare that the receipt of its Treasurer or other proper officer should be a full and sufficient discharge.

Our friends at Stewardship have a brilliant document that talks about the biblical principles of leaving gifts in your Will, as well as the practical details: https://www.stewardship.org.uk/resource/leaving-legacy-making-charitable-gifts-your-will


Acts 435 is about connecting people who want to help directly with those in need. However, we would still welcome anyone who would like to raise money for Acts 435 through fundraising.

In 2021 Simon raised an amazing amount for Acts 435, all of which went directly to help the needs of those who need it most. He cycled around 4,500 miles, which is an amazing adventure, and was able to help people in need at the same time.


Do let us know if you are interested in raising money for Acts 435 through some form of sponsorship, and we'll try and equip you with anything you might need by way of promotional literature. If you would like to collect the money online, you could use Stewardship or fundraise through Facebook. Do contact us if you would like any help in setting up either of these.

Gifts in Kind

When visiting our website, you may see items being requested and know that you have a perfectly good washing machine, pushchair, bicycle, etc. that you would be willing to donate.

Acts 435 is focused on getting fast, financial, practical help to those who need it rather than supplying actual goods. We do encourage our advocates to make sure they are acquainted with the local furniture re-use stores both for goods available without charge, and to source the items they may post Acts 435 requests for. We seek to work in coordination with other charities to avoid duplication and maximise efficiency.

Neither Acts 435 nor the local Acts 435 participating churches and charities have storage facilities to receive items offered in donation. We run with a very small Head Office function so even if you have an item and live in the same town or city as the person requesting one, we are unable to coordinate matching your gifted item with the need. We realise this may be frustrating but we simply do not have the capacity to manage this. Thank you for your understanding.

Donate when shopping online

Acts 435 is registered with TheGivingMachine www.thegivingmachine.co.uk

From this website you can go to hundreds of different retailers to do your normal online shopping but with the added benefit of indirectly donating to Acts 435 at the same time! Participating online shops pay TheGivingMachine a sales commission for directing shoppers to them. TheGivingMachine forwards these commissions as free cash donations to the shopper's chosen charity. Click, Shop, Give for Free.

It just takes a few minutes to register your details, choose Acts 435 as your beneficiary and then click on the retailer of your choice - Amazon, Tesco, John Lewis, thetrainline.co.uk - plenty to choose from. Any money we receive through TheGivingMachine will be applied to those requests expiring soonest.

Church Giving

We would love to encourage you to consider giving to Acts 435 as a church. You can do this in a variety of ways.

Firstly, you may choose to take a collection specifically to meet the needs of people in UK poverty featured on our website. If you would like your church gift to go to people in a certain region of the UK, or for a particular type of need such as housing or children, then you can let us know and we will apply your gift to requests that fit your criteria.

You could also give directly onto our website and choose requests that resonate with your congregation using a church debit or credit card or PayPal account.

As a church you can also choose to give a standing order each month to Acts 435 and we will allocate your gift to our most urgent requests (again by specific region or category if you prefer). Do let us know if you plan to do this.

As part of supporting Acts 435 as a church you could encourage the congregation to spread the word to other churches and to people they know who might want to help people in UK poverty.

One church has partnered with us for years and has a lovely way of supporting us. The church set up a standing order to our account and each month a different ministry in the church chooses which requests they want to support, everyone from the toddler group to the bellringers. See our blog about this here: https://acts435.org.uk/blog/2017/02/giving-as-a-church.html

If you want to hear more about this, or explore the possibility of someone coming to speak at your church, please contact us. We would love to see more churches partner with us in giving to those in need.