Helping to give self-confidence

Levi* is working through the challenge of a mental health breakdown, substance use, and a dip in his self esteem. He is engaging with support workers to address his mindset, his looks and his attitude to his welfare and wellbeing. His washing machine was broken and, due to his low income, he couldn't afford to replace it. Levi does not have the confidence to go to a public laundry to get his clothes washed and dried, so he was having to wash them in the sink.

The support of Acts 435 donors to purchase a new washing machine meant that he could keep his clothes clean, which helped him not to feel self-conscious about his appearance and enabled him to look after himself properly.

Levi was so thankful for the gift, he wrote this wonderful message, which was passed on to our partner charity from his support worker:

“This last year has been a burden to me for many reasons, however the one aspect of life I never expected to have such weight on me is clean clothes. We take so many things for granted these days, and least of these is the ability and expectation that we keep ourselves clean. My own personal hygiene over the last few years has not met our collective standards, but always having clean clothes for appointments or meetings is a necessity I had come to regard as normal, this all changed when my washing machine broke down.

Already I am a recluse and hide away in my “cave” but knowing I have an ever present odour I can do nothing about and knowing the closest launderette is beyond my walking distance. Once all that fabric is damp (as I can’t afford to fully dry all my laundry) and any friends live too far to carry my laundry to and from. It has led me to have some understanding  on how very much this small aspect of our shared experience can impact our lives. To have such shame knowing how other people must have perceived me or at least my expectation of their disgust has driven me deeper into my “cave”. I have become even more of a recluse.

However, thanks to your generosity I have a new washing machine and a new appreciation of something so benign we hardly give it a thought, clean clothes. I can once again walk through a Tesco or go to a doctor’s appointment without worrying people will judge me unkindly for the odour of unwashed over worn clothes.

Once again Thank you so much and to all who contributed to this funding, your generosity has lifted my failing spirits greatly.

Thank you. Levi.”

*name changed