"I am looking forward to my next adventure"

During the Covid pandemic, R from Calderdale managed a Testing Centre which has since been closed. He has struggled to find work since and now has to leave his home as the Landlord is selling the property. R is now moving out of his home, but he has virtually nothing to take with him. Amongst other things, he needed a fridge. R has has no family who he can offer him support, but had managed to save a little towards the other items he needed for his new home.

The local Advocate let R know the good news that Acts 435 donors had fulfilled his need for a fridge, and this is what R said:

"Words cannot express my thanks for helping me buy a fridge. I got lucky and was able to buy a few bits of food too! A month ago I had no idea where my life was taking me but because of so much kindness I am looking forward to my next adventure in my new home and in my new job. I cannot believe it - thank you so much!"

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