£0 remaining for a washing machine
We are supporting H and her family who are in desperate need of a new washing machine. H has recently become a single parent and her hours at work have been cut, meaning her family have now fallen on severely hard financial times. Until she contacted us, her family was having to try and hand wash all items in the bath.
This man fell into debt after his relationship broke down. He had to move house and then lost his job. He has recently become debt free and has a job, but still lives on a low income and has been managing without a washing machine for six months, by using a launderette, which involves travel costs. If this man could buy a washing machine, then this would save him money in the future. Please would you consider contributing to this need?
E and his sister, who live in the same property, are vulnerable and did not like to tell people that they were not able to cope. Their benefits have changed and they are waiting to find out if they can get any help, but have been told it could take several weeks. They now have a support worker who has been able to provided them with food, but they need gas to cook with and electric for lighting and heating. Currently, they rely on food banks and eat sandwiches. These sibling are in a lot of debt and struggling financially.
M has recently become a widow after the loss of her husband last year in November. She is blessed with four daughters, aged sixteen, thirteen, twelve and nine, and it's not been an easy time for her and the girls. While mum is going through bereavement, she has not been able to work and the bills have piled up for her. She is in the process of applying for Universal Credit and Child Benefits, but at the moment M needs support with clearing her gas and electric bill, as well as getting some food for her and the children.