Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
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- Clothes (2)
- Food and Heating (6)
- Ill Health (16)
- Unemployment (6)
- Children (27)
- Fresh Start (24)
- Housing (9)
- Struggling with Bills/Debt (19)
- Benefit Delays/Sanctions (1)
- White Goods and Furniture (63)
- People with Disability (7)
- Refugees / Asylum Seekers (21)
- Technology (5)
- Domestic Abuse (12)
- Warmer Homes (12)
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This lady, who is a regular at our centre, struggles with severe learning disabilities and has shown remarkable determination to rebuild her life. We have been working closely with her, and other organisations, to support her main goal of reuniting with her children who were placed in care at a young age. To empower this lady's independence and strengthen her parenting skills, we seek your support to enrol her in an eight week cooking course and provide ingredients afterward, enabling her to practice her new skills.
Still £125 left to donate
Total needed £200This single parent, who is getting over a recent heart operation, is in significant debt and threatened with eviction. Her daughter, aged sixteen, has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism. Her daughter's aim in life is to become a make-up artist in film or television. This girl is on a Media and Make-up course, but mum cannot afford food, let alone the pack of make-up, specialised brushes and equipment the course specifies. Please can you help her daughter to train for a career that would enable her to be independent and find her place in society?
Still £155 left to donate
Total needed £200A is married and has three children aged thirteen, nine and five, the youngest of whom has autism. They lived in rented accommodation for twelve years and were evicted due to the landlord selling. The council has placed them in temporary accommodation which has two bedrooms in a high rise block. The bedrooms have floorboards which are rough and cause splinters in the children’s feet. A's husband has started a plastering business and A work three days a week at Next.
Still £140 left to donate
Total needed £200S is a single parent with two school aged children who is reliant on benefits. Her washing machine has broken and she is using a launderette, but this is too expensive. Your support would enable S to purchase a new washing machine.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200This couple have just been approved to foster their son's friend, who has been living with them since the summer due to unsuitable conditions at home. Sadly, dad has just been made redundant and so funds are tight. Social Services has offered basic assistance, but this couple are currently sleeping in the lounge so this lad can have his own room, whilst awaiting more suitable accommodation for them all. He would love a sofa bed, which will mean they can reallocate beds and establish the new norm.
Still £135 left to donate
Total needed £150This request is for a young mum with four children, under the age of seven, and another one on the way. Her washing machine has broken down and she is desperately trying to manage the amount of washing required to keep her children’s clothes clean. At the moment, this young mum is struggling to get to her parents' home to use their machine. Your support will really ease her situation.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200AB is a single parent with two young children who has recently be rehoused into permanent, unfurnished accommodation. Mum is working two jobs; however, even with the support of Universal Credit, she is struggling to meet outgoing costs and the daily expenses of raising a young family on her own. The siblings, aged thirteen and fifteen, are currently sharing a double mattress on the floor. Your support with £200 would pay for a mattress and divan.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200C is a single parent to two children. They came to the UK from Gambia, fleeing domestic abuse, and have been granted refugee status. Due to this, they left Home Office Accommodation and moved to a shared house. C had employment as a carer, but has recently lost her job. Both children go to school and this request is for funds to purchase a laptop and office bundle, needed by the eldest child for their high school education. Thank you for considering his request.
Still £125 left to donate
Total needed £180This single mum, who is caring for her five children, is struggling with her mental health. Mum can feel so low at times that she struggles to clean and tidy her home. We are hoping to help mum to clean and tidy the family home and would love to be able to provide the family with two wardrobes. Mum is struggling financially. Could you please help this family and struggling mum by blessing her with storage furniture? Thank you.
Still £195 left to donate
Total needed £200The single mum, who is in need, has three children, one of whom has physical disabilities. Mum has just moved into a much needed bigger Housing Association property. Due to the high costs of moving and putting in flooring, etc., the family also need one of their single mattresses renewing. We hope you can help as they will so appreciate it.
Still £50 left to donate
Total needed £55Mum, who is a single parent to eight children, is the main carer and the only financial support for the children. She is struggling financially and the family are in need of a new carpet for their landing and stairs. The current carpet is very old and is tearing away, so we would love to help the family to get a new carpet fitted, which would release a lot of stress for mum and make the home safer, warmer and more comfortable for her and her children. Please could you help? Thank you.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200This family are being evicted from their house and are, therefore, having to quickly move into a different property, which is all a big rush and causing the family a lot of stress! The family have to purchase new furniture and are struggling financially. We would like to help provide a bed for their son, who has additional needs. The bed is a mid sleeper, providing some extra space underneath for the son. Please could you help this family? Thank you.
Still £170 left to donate
Total needed £200M and her eleven year old daughter currently live in temporary hotel accommodation. As of last week, mum is unemployed with no access to any income or benefits. School and the Citizens Advice Bureau have helped M make an application to the Household Support Fund and Universal Credit, to help pay for accommodation and living costs, but the timeframe for this help is unknown. Emergency funds are needed for public transport costs to ensure M's daughter can continue to get to school, whilst awaiting the financial support. A one month bus pass for them both is £130.
Still £105 left to donate
Total needed £130HS is an Iranian Kurd who, after five years in this country, is now settled and was joined by his wife and two children in July. They have been provided with accommodation, but have little furniture beyond the bare essentials, a bed, table and chairs. They are desperately in need of a wardrobe as clothes are just piled up on the floor. Also, they don't have an oven, so we are going to provide them with a microwave.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200T is a single mother to four children aged five and six, and three year old twins. Mum is subject to the under occupancy charge and is on a low income. She receives Universal Credit and only receives Child Benefit for two of her children. The twins have outgrown their beds and mum is in need of funding to purchase bunk beds. As she lives in a three bedroom house, the children have to share a bedroom and they are tight on space as the bedrooms are small in size.
Still £195 left to donate
Total needed £200C is twenty six years old and a first time mom. Her baby was born in October 2024 and has numerous health conditions, including a heart condition, and has already had heart surgery amongst other operations. C has been travelling to Birmingham's children's hospital from Oldbury since the baby was born. This has led to mum being unable to save for the items needed for her child. C would like support to purchase the items ready for when baby is discharged from hospital. Any help would be appreciated
Still £180 left to donate
Total needed £200M, who is married and has five dependent children, is living in rented accommodation and currently claiming benefits. Her daughter was groomed in May, has been having a really hard time since, and is struggling with self harm. She took an overdose a few days ago. Mum needs help with the children's room which is a shell with some old beds in it. Her daughter has said it is like an abandoned room and, as she spends all her time there and is not going out, a carpet would help her mental health.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200R is a single parent living with three children who is living on Universal Credit. The money she has each month is just enough to cover her household bills with nothing to spare. R lives in a Housing Association property that is uncarpeted and has been like that for over three years. The lack of carpets makes the house cold and damp, and an issue for her asthmatic daughter. We have an absolutely amazing offer of free carpets, but we need a little help with the fitting costs.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200Our applicant is an unaccompanied asylum seeking child who is currently in a NASS (National Asylum Support Service) hotel. He urgently needs funding to top-up his Oyster travel card so that he can travel to his solicitors' offices, and a supermarket voucher to buy some food.
Still £80 left to donate
Total needed £80L, who is pregnant, has been a victim of domestic violence and has been living in a caravan with no heating with her young child. She has been lucky enough to recently secure a property with a local housing association, but has nothing; no possessions other than the clothes she fled in. L's only income is Universal Credit and she has no savings or family to help. The new property is not carpeted and mum is desperate to make a safe, warm, secure home for her and her family. Please can you help?