Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
Filter by need
- Clothes (5)
- Food and Heating (8)
- Ill Health (17)
- Unemployment (6)
- Children (16)
- Fresh Start (19)
- Housing (5)
- Struggling with Bills/Debt (16)
- Benefit Delays/Sanctions (4)
- White Goods and Furniture (45)
- People with Disability (5)
- Refugees / Asylum Seekers (18)
- Technology (7)
- Domestic Abuse (11)
- Warmer Homes (12)
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C is a single lady (47), unable to work due to many health issues and struggling with the passing of her dad whom she cared for. Christians Against Poverty (CAP) are helping her with sorting out her financial situation and budgeting. She is looking for a new fridge freezer because one of the doors broke off and cannot be repaired. Thank you so much for your kind donations.
Still £125 left to donate
Total needed £200This client's previous washing machine did not work and has been removed from the property, but she is unable to replace it. As a single mum with three dependents she therefore struggles to do the laundry. E has debts in terms of rent arrears, council tax and utility bills which are currently recovered from her benefits. Thank you for considering helping this family.
Still £120 left to donate
Total needed £200K is in temporary accommodation and struggling financially waiting on Universal Credit to be sorted. They experienced a period of homelessness before the family were placed in their new property. K has very limited furniture and has no storage for their clothes in the bedrooms so they are using boxes at moment. There are carpets but they need regular cleaning and a sweeping brush is not working. K is worried if the carpets get any worse the landlord may throw them out.
Still £130 left to donate
Total needed £200K is a single lady who currently has her grandchildren living with her, aged ten and fifteen. She has a number of health conditions including depression, anxiety, epilepsy, rheumatism and arthritis. Her ten year old grandson also has autism. The fridge freezer has broken and K is unable to afford a new one, which is needed in order to be able to feed the family properly. We are asking for support to fund a fridge freezer for this family.
Still £175 left to donate
Total needed £200A is a single man who has just been given a council bungalow. He is starting from scratch as, following his relationship breakdown, he has not had settled accommodation, relying on friends and family. A has health issues and receives Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment. He has a great opportunity to start afresh, but is not in a position financially to equip his new home. Family is trying to help, but your assistance in helping A to purchase a cooker would be a real blessing. Thank you.
Still £165 left to donate
Total needed £175M is originally from Sudan and, after a long period of homelessness and temporary accommodation, has recently been given a permanent tenancy. He is proactive, is learning English and recently made a CV to help him find work. Currently, M's income is low and he cannot afford to wash his clothes regularly. With fewer charities doing laundry for free, and the cost of a laundrette rising significantly, having a washing machine in his flat would help lift a significant financial burden.
Still £160 left to donate
Total needed £180This lady, who is a single parent caring for two toddlers, struggles financially due to outstanding bills, and relies on benefits. She has escaped domestic violence and there is an ongoing court case regarding this. We have provided Food Bank support to help. Mum needs a child’s mattress and two stairgates and, with your kind donations, we want to help.
Still £100 left to donate
Total needed £120S was attacked and left with brain injury and epilepsy, complex PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and agoraphobia. She receives benefits, but as her disability benefit is currently suspended, is awaiting it being reinstated. S's cooker has broken and she cannot afford to replace it. She would really appreciate your support in replacing it. Many thanks.
Still £160 left to donate
Total needed £200This young man has come from a troubled background and is wanting a fresh start. Coming up to Christmas, he has felt quite lonely and with not much to show for his short life. This would mean so much to him, enabling him to make his safe place home-like and clean. Thanks to you all.
Still £150 left to donate
Total needed £150C, who has fled domestic abuse, lives with two toddlers and her older child comes to stay at weekends. Mum has been in a refuge and then moved seven times to temporary accommodation before finally being housed permanently. C currently only has an air fryer, but finds it hard to cook proper meals. She is currently on benefits and cannot afford to purchase a cooker. Mum would really appreciate your support. Many thanks.
Still £195 left to donate
Total needed £200This family, who are in their third temporary property through no fault of their own, lost all their furnishings due to extreme damp and mould at their last house. Because of all the upheaval, mum has decided to keep the children at their old schools, which involves heavy transport costs. This eats into her Universal Credit and Child Benefit. Due to limited outside drying facilities, mum is desperate for a second-hand tumble dryer so she won't have a damp home again. Please can you help?
Still £165 left to donate
Total needed £185M is a single mum who is raising two children on her own. The youngest child, aged two, has health issues, resulting in him spending many days and nights in the hospital attached to ventilation machines. The eldest son is seven years old and has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and is a very energetic boy due to this condition. Both children need full-on attention and care. M only has support from her sister and is extremely tired. The family has no sofa in the house and would love to be able to sit together to watch TV and cuddle each other.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200After a long wait, this family has moved into new social housing where the younger child can attend his Special Needs school. Dad is self employed, but winter is hard and work is sporadic. Mum works part-time on minimum wage, but they no access to benefits. They have historic debt, but are working with the debt agency and making good progress. Their families have helped out, but they are still without a cooker and relying on just a microwave. They would really appreciate your help.
Still £145 left to donate
Total needed £145X and her two children have been though a lot in the last couple of years. Mum managed to leave an abusive relationship which left them sofa surfing for a year. The local council finally placed them in temporary accommodation, but away from support. They were there for eight months before the council gave her keys to another home. X needs everything to fit out this new home. We have managed to source many items, but are still missing white goods required for mum and two kids. A fridge freezer would be an enormous help for this family.
Still £150 left to donate
Total needed £150E, a single mother to her twelve month old son, has recently been rehoused by the local authority to an estate far from her previous location and support network. After a period where she experienced bereavement and homelessness, mum suffers from anxiety and depression and is out of work, but hopes to be in employment within a few months. E is in local authority accommodation and currently does not have a washing machine, however, she cannot afford this on her income from Universal Credit.
Still £80 left to donate
Total needed £175CK, who has recently been housed after a prolonged period of homelessness, has no family willing to help and has been diagnosed as autistic. He receives basic Universal Credit, but does not receive any disability benefits as his diagnosis is recent. CK would also prefer to be working. He was awarded Local Welfare Provision and received a single bed, cooker and fridge but nothing else. He, therefore, seeks help to buy a washing machine.
Still £180 left to donate
Total needed £200J is a lady who is living alone. Her fridge freezer is currently broken, intermittently turning on and off. She cannot store food at the moment, which is costing more, as food often has to thrown away due to being left unrefrigerated. J is currently on long-term sickness benefits with very little spare money to buy a fridge freezer herself. She is without family support and her mental health his deteriorating as she has no way to fund the item herself.
Still £190 left to donate
Total needed £200S, a single mother of a young child, is unemployed and relying on Universal Credit. She has just come out of an abusive relationship and has been rehoused by the local authority in a new flat. Mum's fridge freezer has broken and she needs to store her fresh food to be able to provide healthy meals for her child. S can't afford to purchase the fridge freezer with the little income she has, and would be grateful if you could support her.
Still £180 left to donate
Total needed £200In the new year, D's fridge freezer stopped working properly and she needs to buy a replacement. She uses the fridge to store her medications, as well as food. D has recently migrated onto Universal Credit from Employment and Support Allowance, but is still struggling to budget with monthly payments. She will be able to top-up this gift and buy a reconditioned fridge freezer, so will be very grateful for any support.
Still £190 left to donate
Total needed £200G, who recently escaped domestic violence with her young daughter, had to leave her job, home and support network. Rehoused in a safe environment, mum is working hard to rebuild their lives. Her daughter, who is autistic, has been deeply affected by the trauma and now struggles with incontinence, requiring mum to manage large amounts of bedding laundry daily with launderette costs unmanageable. While G has furnished most of her home, she cannot afford a washing machine. Your help would be life-changing.