How we work

Acts 435 is a giving website that allows people to give money directly to others, and 100% of what is donated via Acts 435 goes directly to those in need.

When so many people need so much help giving to charities and good causes can sometimes feel overwhelming and hard. Acts 435 puts people who want to help in touch with people who are in need, through a network of churches and local charities - this enables donors to give online to support specific needs.

100% of individual's donations go directly to the person or people donors choose to support. All administration costs are covered by Gift Aid. Acts 435 provides direct giving and seeks to provide fast, financial help to the people in need.

Acts 435 runs through a network of churches and local charities who nominate an Acts 435 representative, called the Advocate, who is trained by Acts 435 and posts requests directly onto our website for people in their community who are in need.

Advocates have an opportunity to send thank you messages to the donors who gave to the requests they posted, explaining how their gift made a difference to the recipient.

You can give directly to individuals in need on our 'Give to a need' page, or take a look at our other ways to give page if you would like to support our work in a different way.

What do donors say about giving through Acts 435?

I just wanted to say thank you for the work that you do helping people who are in such desperate need. It is very moving reading peoples stories. It’s shocking that people have to live in such circumstances. I was able to make a small contribution today as we received our council tax rebate for energy bills and we are in the fortunate position not to need it at the moment.

I love what you do and love being able to bless an individual instead of a huge organisation. We can't always know the people around us that need help but via your website we can connect with individuals that do need it. I also enjoy receiving the messages of thanks although that's not why I give. I recently received one from a woman who had re-committed her life to Jesus because of a donation for 2 weeks rent on a flat - Praise God - we're sowing seeds and we don't know what may happen. It's great to be part of it.

For me, Acts 435 ticks all my boxes. I like to give to specific needs to make a real and meaningful difference. Reading the back story for the recipients and seeing their requests, makes a donation more worthwhile. Most of all, I like how I can give anonymously - there is no leader board of givers - it is just between myself and God (with your team making it happen). Thank you for the service you provide.

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