£0 remaining for gas and electric bills
This lady, who has Lymph Node cancer and back problems, is incontinent and has to pay a carer to come into the home to help with home maintenance. She has lots of washing and is struggling to pay gas and electricity bills. She receives benefits, but has no spare money as her bills are very high. Please would you help this lady? Thank you.
J is a single mum to five lovely children (aged four, eight, ten, sixteen and seventeen) and money is a constant worry. She was counting on some money she thought she was receiving to pay for a Christmas gift for each of her children, as well as a Christmas dinner at home with them all. However, she has been informed that she is no longer receiving this money. J is absolutely distraught as she is no longer able to buy her children a gift. Mum is desperate to provide each of her children with something to open on Christmas morning.
This woman suffers from Paranoid Schizophrenia and also has a learning disability, meaning she is extremely vulnerable and also isolated. After being supported by a mental health worker, it was decided that she needed her flat cleaned (as it was in such a poor state). Whilst it is fantastic that she is getting a fresh start, it also means that some of her old furniture was in such a bad state that it needed to be disposed of. Having recently made contact with her sister, and wanting to build on the relationship, this woman would love to invite her to visit, but has no sofa, so the only place to sit or relax is her bed.
This gentleman, who has a lot of health needs, has been living in his grandson's flat, who has cared for him for many years. Recently his grandson had a baby and the flat became overcrowded. Now the council has given the gentleman a new flat to move into and live independently, but the flat is not furnished and, because of his health conditions, this gentleman is on a low income and cannot afford a fridge freezer. Help to buy this appliance would be massively appreciated.