£0 remaining for a vacuum cleaner
This lady is living off Universal Credit and Carers Allowance. Her vacuum cleaner has broken and she cannot afford to replace it. She has access to foodbank on occasions, in order to help support the family. This lady would be so grateful for your help to buy them a new vacuum cleaner.
A lady in Hull is in need of help replacing her vacuum cleaner that has recently broken. She is living on a low income and in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance due to osteoarthritis in her hands. This lady has cats and so a new vacuum cleaner would help her to manage keeping her property free from the majority of cat hairs.
A Nigerian asylum-seeking woman living in Leeds has been given an chance for a 5-week training course to help towards employment as she awaits a positive decision on her asylum claim. She receives less than £50 per week on an Aspen card for food, clothing and toiletries, and receives some help from Meeting Point, but has no money to pay for public transport. Please can you help her with the cost of a a weekly buss pass for the next 5 weeks, so she might have the chance to study and progress in her hopes for her new life in the UK?
K was released from prison just before Christmas and was given just £96 to live on until his benefits payments are sorted out, which may take up to six weeks. He is currently homeless and spending much of his time out in the cold. We would like to provide him with supermarket gift cards so that he can buy food and also some warm clothing. Your help to assist K through this difficult time would be much appreciated.