£0 remaining for a fridge freezer
This lady has recently moved into rented accommodation with only a cooker and is urgently needing a fridge. She cannot work, due to a chronic painful back condition, and is on benefits. This lady has managed to buy a second-hand bed, but after paying her bills, has no money for food. Having a fridge freezer would make all the difference to her, enabling her to store food safely and live more frugally.
S is a single parent with two school aged children who is reliant on benefits. Her washing machine has broken and she is using a launderette, but this is too expensive. Your support would enable S to purchase a new washing machine.
D, a single man who has been a victim of crime, has been placed into temporary accommodation with six people where there is very little furniture. He has suffered with his mental health for ten years and this situation is not helping. Some small items will help with his living and health situation. We are seeking support for a table and chairs.
J is a single man who suffers from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and personality disorder. He has currently been in his flat for seven months, but the flat is still mainly empty, as it was when he moved in. J receives Employment and Support Allowance and Personal Independence Payment which just about covers his basic costs. We are requesting support for a bed so that J is able to sleep better, which will aid his health concerns as well.