Daizybell Homes

Daizybell Homes is a registered charity in Bradford offering safe homes to women who have or are currently experiencing some level of vulnerability or hardship. This could be because of domestic and or sexual abuse, trafficking or other oppressive circumstances. We are a sister organisation to Bradford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Survivors Service who have provided critical help and support to women and girls who have experienced life changing abuse for more than 30 years. Daizybell Homes was created in direct response to the lack of decent, safe housing for women who have escaped or wish to escape an abusive situation or relationship.


Auburn House, Upper Piccadilly




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Current needs

Waiting 0 days
£200 needed for a cooker

SA, who is a single mum to one child, became a victim of domestic abuse by her husband who physically, psychologically and financially abused her. She has since moved into our supported accommodation and is trying to rebuild her life. SA's cooker is broken and she is unable to prepare home cooked meals for herself and her son. She requires financial assistance to purchase a cooker so she can prepare healthy home made meals for her family.

Still £200 left to donate

Total needed £200
Waiting 0 days
£200 needed for two wardrobes

IC, a single mum to one child, has fled domestic violence and is living in one of our safe houses for women and children who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence. She is experiencing financial difficulties, due to the cost of living crisis, and struggling to manage her bills and shopping. IC requires financial assistance to purchase two wardrobes for herself and her son, but is unable to afford them. Please can you help?

Still £200 left to donate

Total needed £200

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