£0 remaining for a fridge freezer
This referral came to us from the lady's Job Centre Coach. She lives on her own and receives Universal Credit and Limited Capacity for Work Related activity. This lady has rent and Council Tax arrears and is really struggling with her income. Her fridge freezer is completely broken beyond repair so it is making it really difficult for her to buy and store food. Please could you help fund a fridge freezer, which will make life a lot easier for her?
K is a single mum to two daughters aged five year old and five month old daughter. She was abandoned by the father of her children in her recent pregnancy, so is struggling financially, particularly, as she is now on maternity leave from work so has a limited income. K has moved to a much needed bigger flat and has spent her savings on doing so. Mum's flat has no cooker and she would be grateful for any help to purchase one so that she can feed herself and her children appropriately.
This couple have just been approved to foster their son's friend, who has been living with them since the summer due to unsuitable conditions at home. Sadly, dad has just been made redundant and so funds are tight. Social Services has offered basic assistance, but this couple are currently sleeping in the lounge so this lad can have his own room, whilst awaiting more suitable accommodation for them all. He would love a sofa bed, which will mean they can reallocate beds and establish the new norm.
The single mum, who is in need, has three children, one of whom has physical disabilities. Mum has just moved into a much needed bigger Housing Association property. Due to the high costs of moving and putting in flooring, etc., the family also need one of their single mattresses renewing. We hope you can help as they will so appreciate it.