£0 remaining for rent arrears and food
Our client is a 55 year old individual who has acute asthma, and because of this condition they are unable to work and for employment. They are currently receiving Universal Credit; however, this support is insufficient to cover their essential living expenses. Recently, our client faced eviction and is now dealing with rent arrears amounting to £110, which will further accumulate very soon. They have no financial means to afford food and other basic necessities, and would greatly appreciate your support.
AA, a fifty six year old widow from Iran, is an asylum seeker living in a hotel with her three children. She left Iran due to family problems after her husband died. In the hotel they depend on food and an allowance that is grossly inadequate. Mum needs your help to buy food and clothes. Please would you help her? Your donation will will make a difference to her life and family.
AG is an Indian survivor of a domestic violence situation where she was constantly being blamed culturally, by her family, as being responsible for her partner's behaviour. She suffers from mental illness which she inherited from her family. AG was recently admitted into hospital for this condition. She is a post graduate law student here and is struggling to buy food and winter clothes. Your donation will help change her situation and reduce her anxiety. Please can you help her? Thank you.
This woman is in need of a replacement chest of drawers as her current one has broken and she is unable to afford a replacement. This woman, who is on a low income and has mental health issues, is struggling to manage without proper storage for her clothes. She has only recently moved into a new home and would be extremely grateful for your support.