Hill City Church


c/o The Hope Centre

Unit 5

Pavilion Estate




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Current needs

Waiting 6 days
£60 needed for emergency electric

This gentleman has come to the local Christians Against Poverty centre for support, finding himself in debt difficulty, due to long term illness and subsequent bereavement. In time, his debts will be dealt with, however, the first task was to help him get back on a stable financial footing, going forward, and prevent further deterioration of his situation. This request is for an emergency electric top-up which will, amongst other measures, help to do just this, as this gentleman seeks to rebuild, after an incredibly tough few years.

Still £60 left to donate

Total needed £60
Waiting 6 days
£100 needed for emergency electric and gas

This lady has come for support at the right time. Due to relationship difficulties and domestic abuse, she is now living in a new location and having to rely on benefits for the first time in her life. Not fully understanding the system, this lady has struggled for a couple of months, but has thankfully now got the right support in place to sort everything out. This request is for an emergency utility top-up which will help her cope until everything is in place.

Still £100 left to donate

Total needed £100

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