Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
M, who is married and has five dependent children, is living in rented accommodation and currently claiming benefits. Her daughter was groomed in May, has been having a really hard time since, and is struggling with self harm. She took an overdose a few days ago. Mum needs help with the children's room which is a shell with some old beds in it. Her daughter has said it is like an abandoned room and, as she spends all her time there and is not going out, a carpet would help her mental health.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200M, who is married and has five dependent children, is living in rented accommodation and currently claiming benefits. Her daughter was groomed in May, has been struggling with self harming and took an overdose a few days ago. Mum needs help with the children's room which is a shell with some old beds in it. Her daughter has said it is like an abandoned room as she spends all her time there and is not going out. Please can you help mum to fund curtains, clothes and bedding for the children who share this room? Thank you.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200T is a slightly confused lady of African origin who has been helped by her daughter to obtain a rented flat. Her daughter, who is similarly on a low income, has managed to gather most of the items that her mother needs for the flat, but white goods are beyond their means. Help for T to buy a refurbished cooker and washer would make a huge difference.
Still £195 left to donate
Total needed £200A has been made homeless twice for long periods, but has now been given an empty property. She has been able to buy some things from charity shops by getting a cleaning job for six hours per week, and people from the church have given her some items. A's main need is for a bed and a washing machine. She has been sleeping on a blow up mattress since August and this hasn't helped her sleeping, which is impacting her mental health. We have been able to source the items needed as well as some bedding for her.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200T is a slightly confused lady of African origin who has been helped by her daughter to obtain a rented flat. Her daughter, who is similarly on a low income, has managed to gather many of the needs that her mother needs for the flat, but white goods are beyond her means. Help for T to buy a fridge freezer, to keep her food fresh, would be very much appreciated.