Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
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- Clothes (1)
- Food and Heating (4)
- Ill Health (7)
- Children (5)
- Fresh Start (6)
- Housing (2)
- Struggling with Bills/Debt (7)
- Benefit Delays/Sanctions (1)
- White Goods and Furniture (9)
- People with Disability (1)
- Refugees / Asylum Seekers (1)
- Technology (2)
- Domestic Abuse (2)
- Warmer Homes (1)
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Our applicant's son has been caring for his nan and has now moved to his own studio flat. However, he currently does not have a suitable bed and has no means of buying a new one. He he is on Universal Credit and is still in limbo as there have been delays waiting for his benefits to be processed. This young man is currently not able to sleep well.
Still £70 left to donate
Total needed £70S, a man who is looking after his two young nephews, had to give up work to do this and is currently on benefits with no savings. With two young boys and a dog, he is struggling with a broken hoover and would appreciate any support to enable him to purchase a new hoover to keep the house clean. S is being supported by his local foodbank and has health conditions which are aggravated by dust so it's important he hoovers regularly. Any help you can give would be appreciated. Thank you.
Still £100 left to donate
Total needed £100This widower receives a state pension and pension credit only. He is struggling with his mental health since his wife died four years ago. He really needs a washing machine to reduce the stress of trying to do laundry. We can provide and deliver a second-hand one with a six month warranty with your help.
Still £155 left to donate
Total needed £185This widower, who has struggled with his mental health since his wife died four years ago, receives a state pension and pension credit. His fridge broke several months ago and he cannot afford a new one. We can provide a second-hand one with a six month warranty with your help.
Still £80 left to donate
Total needed £80This couple have just been approved to foster their son's friend, who has been living with them since the summer due to unsuitable conditions at home. Sadly, dad has just been made redundant and so funds are tight. Social Services has offered basic assistance, but this couple are currently sleeping in the lounge so this lad can have his own room, whilst awaiting more suitable accommodation for them all. He would love a sofa bed, which will mean they can reallocate beds and establish the new norm.
Still £150 left to donate
Total needed £150This lady is being supported by the Chippenham Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre. Her current microwave is broken and unsafe to use, and due to current financial struggles, she cannot afford to replace it. This lady would really appreciate your support in buying a replacement microwave. Many thanks.
Still £35 left to donate
Total needed £35The single mum, who is in need, has three children, one of whom has physical disabilities. Mum has just moved into a much needed bigger Housing Association property. Due to the high costs of moving and putting in flooring, etc., the family also need one of their single mattresses renewing. We hope you can help as they will so appreciate it.
Still £55 left to donate
Total needed £55C is a single dad caring for his two young children. The family moved into the area, having escaped domestic violence from his ex-wife. They were living in a safe house for some time before moving into their own social housing property. The property is unfurnished and the family have no income apart from basic benefits or savings, as C has not been able to find suitable work whilst caring for his children. Dad is still without a cooker and would love to cook nutritious meals for his children.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200K is a single mum to two daughters aged five year old and five month old daughter. She was abandoned by the father of her children in her recent pregnancy, so is struggling financially, particularly, as she is now on maternity leave from work so has a limited income. K has moved to a much needed bigger flat and has spent her savings on doing so. Mum's flat has no cooker and she would be grateful for any help to purchase one so that she can feed herself and her children appropriately.