£0 remaining for a mobile phone
This young man has had a very difficult few years waiting for the outcome of his asylum claim. His phone was recently lost and he has no means to replace it because he has no access to work or recourse to public funds. It is essential for this young man to have a phone so that he can maintain contact with the professional network supporting him, including his Case Worker and Support Workers.
The client is an Indian citizen who has lived in the UK for 20 years. He is currently homeless and without immigration status. He does not have an Indian passport and needs one for ID purposes. He is struggling with daily life due to not having any ID. Having a passport would also help his immigration case to progress quicker.
S was evicted from his home, but through the help of a local charity he has now found somewhere to live and he is very happy. He has long term chronic health problems and he is unable to work. S feels the cold and he has been advised to improve his diet. He would benefit from a small fridge, a kettle and toaster that he can keep in his room. He also needs new bedding as his old bedding was damp and couldn't be taken with him to his new home.
A is a fifty eight year old man who has been trying to sort out a sudden change in his benefits since June 2024, with help from our church and Age UK. Universal Credit will only pay 90% of his rent and he has nothing more to live on. They refuse to look into it until his Incapacity Benefit has been approved, and it is unknown how long that will take. In the meantime, A heavily depends on charity to be able to eat, afford rent, pay for his phone and utility bills. Your donation will buy him time and get him through the winter