£0 remaining for accommodation
This gentleman is currently homeless and is struggling with his mental health and overall wellbeing. He has managed to secure employment and St Vincent de Paul is collaborating with partner agencies to organise a more permanent housing solution for this gentleman. In the interim, we are kindly asking for your kindness to house this gentleman for four nights in a bed and breakfast. This will be beneficial for his overall wellbeing as he starts to rebuild his life.
E fled domestic abuse and following some time in temporary accommodation, has now been housed permanently. She works hard part-time to support her thee children, but with the cost of buying white goods for the new property, it will be some time before they can save for carpets. They would really appreciate your support in having a warm bedroom and comfortable home. Many thanks.
E fled domestic abuse and, following some time in temporary accommodation, has now been housed permanently. She works hard part-time to support her three children, but with the cost of buying white goods for the new property, it will be some time before they can save for carpets. They would really appreciate your support in having a warm and comfortable home. Many thanks.
S was attacked and left with brain injury and epilepsy, complex PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and agoraphobia. She receives benefits, but as her disability benefit is currently suspended, is awaiting it being reinstated. S's cooker has broken and she cannot afford to replace it. She would really appreciate your support in replacing it. Many thanks.