£0 remaining for a sofa
This client and her daughter have been moved from temporary accommodation into an unfurnished flat. At the moment they only have one dining chair and mattresses to sleep on, and this situation makes it difficult for the daughter to do her homework. The client has a job as a cleaner, but does not have enough money for furniture. Your donations towards a sofa for them would be very much appreciated.
W is a single father of two children, aged three and four. The children's mother is struggling with addiction and mental health issues, and is not allowed custody of the children. At long last the family has been granted permanent council accommodation; however, the flat did not come with any type of cooker. W is currently cooking using an air fryer, and warming baked beans and vegetables in his kettle. We would like to provide him with a cooker and have it installed safely so that he can cook healthy meals.
L is an asylum seeker from Botswana whose father died when she was young and was sent to live with her uncle. He abused her and when L reported him, he threatened her life. Her uncle is a powerful man, involved in politics, and L had to flee her country in fear of her life. She has no phone to contact people or to hear from the Home Office, and she has no clothes or shoes suitable for a British winter. We would love to provide these as L currently only receives £8 per week from the Home Office.
AM is a single mother living in council housing. Her young son has ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and, due to his condition, has caused some damage to the council property. AM's housing provider has invoiced her for the cost of the repairs and as she is on benefits, she doesn't have the funds to pay for it. Mum needs to be able to settle this invoice so she can continue to live in the property.