£0 remaining for a phone and food
This senior aged lady has been recommended for support by another organisation. The primary concern is that her pension payments have ceased, due to a banking system transition that resulted in the discontinuation of services at her previous bank. We are currently collaborating with sister agencies in this matter, but in the meantime, we are graciously asking for your kindness to purchase a phone, phone credit and a four weekly food parcel whilst we try to sort out this lady's financial challenges.
This gentleman, who has been referred to us, struggles with mental health issues and lacks the capacity to manage daily life independently. We are actively working with additional organisations to improve his wellbeing and living arrangements, and foster his independence. We urgently seek your help to get his house fixed inside, the walls to be treated and painted by professionals. A clean safe home would greatly alleviate his anxieties and improve his health.
This lady, who is a regular at our centre, struggles with severe learning disabilities and has shown remarkable determination to rebuild her life. We have been working closely with her, and other organisations, to support her main goal of reuniting with her children who were placed in care at a young age. To empower this lady's independence and strengthen her parenting skills, we seek your support to enrol her in an eight week cooking course and provide ingredients afterward, enabling her to practice her new skills.
This woman, who is a long-time user of our services, due to severe physical and mental health challenges, recently moved into a flat with no furniture or essentials, except a fridge. The lack of basic items is worsening her mental health. We recently secured a washing machine for her, but she still urgently needs a sofa, wardrobe and small drawer. Your assistance would greatly improve this woman's living conditions and wellbeing, providing much needed stability and comfort in her new home.