£0 remaining for a sewing machine
R, who has recently moved and resettled as a refugee in the UK, currently receives very little Universal Credit and has no English. She would greatly benefit from a sewing machine for her mental health and wellbeing, and to give her something practical to do. R has suffered from a lot of trauma from the war in Afghanistan, so a sewing machine would really bless her.
S, an asylum seeker from Pakistan, is an Ahmadi Muslim and consequently the victim of religious persecution. Two people from her community were killed (one family member and one friend). S has been threatened and had difficulty accessing education. She fled Pakistan and travelled to the UK alone so that she could freely practice her faith without her life being in danger. S has not got enough clothes or shoes, especially given our current weather. We would like to provide these items.
F, who has moved to the UK and has refugee status, has really bad toothache and needs a tooth extraction, but can't afford the total cost as she is living on benefits and her family struggling financially. The tooth extraction costs £319.00 in total so this would be money towards her being able to get it done. F has put some money aside and said a friend can help out with the rest of the money to get the extraction done.
A, who has moved to the UK and now has refugee status, needs to purchase a travel document, but is out of work at the moment and cannot afford it. He has a new born and a toddler to provide for, so it's a struggle for him financially. The travel document costs £280 in total so this would be most of the money towards it and he would be able to fund the rest himself with a bit of help from friends and family around him.