Faithworks Wessex - Smile



Heron Court Road




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Current needs

Waiting 3 days
£200 needed for moving costs

This young care leaver, who has two pre-school children, has been given the chance to swap houses so that she can move close to her friends and support networks in the town where she grew up. She has been very isolated, as she doesn't have a car, in a rural town where she knows nobody. This move will bring so many benefits and she will find childcare and work opportunities easier. This young lady has worked hard to become debt free and this money is to cover moving costs so she doesn't take a loan and maybe face debt again.

Still £200 left to donate

Total needed £200
Area Blandford
Waiting 3 days
£180 needed for a fridge freezer

This mum, who has three children, is rebuilding her home and life after fleeing domestic abuse. She is an amazing caring Christian who is always looking out for others. Mum set up a community meal and toddler group as well as working part-time and caring for her children. I found out that she hadn't had a fridge freezer for six months as it broke beyond repair and she hasn't been able to afford a new one. It would be wonderful to bless this mum who is such a blessing to many others.

Still £180 left to donate

Total needed £180

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