£0 remaining for ten bags of coal
Please can you help this elderly gentleman to heat his home? Open fires are his only source of heating and he would normally gather wood and chop it up, but recently he has been unable to do this satisfactorily because of ill health. This gentleman is struggling to afford enough coal with his very limited income. A gift of ten bags would give him some much needed respite and hopefully allow recovery in a warm home. Thank you so much.
This gentleman struggled to get accommodation after coming out of prison. He has worked with agencies to get help him and now has accommodation. This gentleman has managed to get some basics that he needs, but due to his low income and being reliant on benefits, he is struggling to get everything for his accommodation, and cannot afford a washing machine.
This eleven year old girl was recently robbed of her bicycle and brutally injured by masked attackers on her way home from school. The bicycle was her primary means of transport, and her injuries now make walking to school extremely difficult. This has caused this girl great hardship, and a replacement bike would help ease her pain and restore her independence. Your support will make a meaningful difference to her recovery.