Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
P and her husband are a lovely, gentle middle-aged couple on a low income and in need of a replacement washing machine. Her husband had to stop working 3 years ago due to ill health. Since then it's been a struggle to meet household bills. His savings have now all gone and there are no funds to replace the washing machine that they so desperately need.
Still £90 left to donate
Total needed £110D has three children, aged 17, 16 and 7. They are currently using bin bags to keep their clothes in, as their old wardrobes had to be thrown out as they were broken. D is in financial debt and lives on a low income. The room being untidy is causing arguments between D and his kids- your help to alleviate this cause of tension would be make a huge difference and would be much appreciated.
Still £190 left to donate
Total needed £200K is in temporary accommodation and struggling financially waiting on Universal Credit to be sorted. They experienced a period of homelessness before the family were placed in their new property. K has very limited furniture and has no storage for their clothes in the bedrooms so they are using boxes at moment. There are carpets but they need regular cleaning and a sweeping brush is not working. K is worried if the carpets get any worse the landlord may throw them out.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200L, a single mum, is working nights to try and get some extra cash to pay the bills and rent. She has separated from her partner, due to domestic violence, and is struggling financially. L has managed to get most of the items needed, but needs a new bed for her son who is currently sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Family are helping when L is working, and providing food.
Still £100 left to donate
Total needed £100J's needs are very complex. He suffers from severe back pain and is always in agony with his back. His bed is broken and his mattress is in tatters. J will benefit from having a new bed because this will significantly improve his health. He is on benefits, due to physical and mental health issues. J struggles with his finances and is unable to purchase a bed at the moment. He would like some money to pay towards buying a bed
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200P is a single dad who is struggling with his mental health. He relies on basic benefits after losing his job, and his relationship breaking down. He has maintained regular contact with his young son, including overnight stays, and plays an active part in his life. P is working with us to get his finances back on track after these significant changes. Recently, his cooker has been condemned, which has left him struggling to provide healthy hot meals for his son, and he cannot afford to replace it. Please can you help?