Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
Filter by need
- Clothes (2)
- Food and Heating (6)
- Ill Health (16)
- Unemployment (6)
- Children (27)
- Fresh Start (24)
- Housing (9)
- Struggling with Bills/Debt (19)
- Benefit Delays/Sanctions (1)
- White Goods and Furniture (63)
- People with Disability (7)
- Refugees / Asylum Seekers (21)
- Technology (5)
- Domestic Abuse (12)
- Warmer Homes (12)
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M has an enduring mental health condition which affects his ability to manage his home and engage with support services. His bed is broken and this is having an adverse affect on his ability to manage his life and him not wanting to be in his home. £200 will enable M to have a comfortable bed, making him feel more at home and helping to ensure he maintains his tenancy. When M feels more settled, he will be more able to work towards better managing his mental health and recovery.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200E, a homeless asylum seeker in poor health, with two children, has recently been moved into an unfurnished flat and is struggling to manage. She sleeps in one bed with the children, aged seven and nine, and would dearly love them to have a mattress each and bedding. There is a cooker, but no cooking equipment and nowhere to sit and eat. If E could buy some basic pans, plates and cutlery, they would be able to eat more healthily. An oyster top-up would help her with travelling to appointments with advisors.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200M has an enduring mental health condition which affects his ability to manage his home and engage with support services. His cooker is broken and this is having an adverse affect on his ability to manage his life and him not wanting to be in his home. A new cooker will enable him to eat better and feel more at home. This will help to ensure M maintains his tenancy. When he feels more settled, he will also be better situated to work towards managing his mental health and recovery.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200This couple have just been approved to foster their son's friend, who has been living with them since the summer due to unsuitable conditions at home. Sadly, dad has just been made redundant and so funds are tight. Social Services has offered basic assistance, but this couple are currently sleeping in the lounge so this lad can have his own room, whilst awaiting more suitable accommodation for them all. He would love a sofa bed, which will mean they can reallocate beds and establish the new norm.
Still £135 left to donate
Total needed £150D, a single man who has been a victim of crime, has been placed into temporary accommodation with six people where there is very little furniture. He has suffered with his mental health for ten years and this situation is not helping. Some small items will help with his living and health situation. We are seeking support for a table and chairs.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200M has an enduring mental health condition which prevents him working and affects his ability to manage his home and engage with support services. His broken cooker is having an adverse affect on his ability to manage his life and him not wanting to be in his home. A new cooker has been applied for, but M needs the funds to have it delivered and installed, and the old one removed.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200This family is living in cramped and unsuitable accommodation with a limited space that severely affects their ability to function day-to-day. They currently have no television and providing them with this item will help make their environment more comfortable and offer some entertainment that will be immensely helpful. I would be very grateful if you would consider assisting with this request, as it would give them a distraction, particularly from the suffering that the husband, who suffers from Motor Neurone Disease, must be going through. As they are reliant on benefits and have a large rent payment each month, this is beyond their means.
Still £110 left to donate
Total needed £110J is a single man who suffers from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and personality disorder. He has currently been in his flat for seven months, but the flat is still mainly empty, as it was when he moved in. J receives Employment and Support Allowance and Personal Independence Payment which just about covers his basic costs. We are requesting support for a bed so that J is able to sleep better, which will aid his health concerns as well.
Still £190 left to donate
Total needed £200S is a refugee from Iran who has recently received a positive decision and is now looking to start work as an interpreter. In order for her to start working and building her life in the UK, she needs to pay for two DBS checks, which is outside of her current budget. S would be very grateful for your support.
Still £125 left to donate
Total needed £125E is a single mum with two dependant children who suffers from severe anxiety and depression, brought on after being attacked. This means that she has found it difficult to deal with her finances and has got into debt. E is only in receipt of benefits as she is not working due to her many health problems. She is hoping to apply for a Debt Relief Order which will enable her to start afresh with her children. In the meantime, E would appreciate help to buy food and essentials for herself and her children. Thank you.
Still £40 left to donate
Total needed £150This request is for a young mum with four children, under the age of seven, and another one on the way. Her washing machine has broken down and she is desperately trying to manage the amount of washing required to keep her children’s clothes clean. At the moment, this young mum is struggling to get to her parents' home to use their machine. Your support will really ease her situation.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200AB is a single parent with two young children who has recently be rehoused into permanent, unfurnished accommodation. Mum is working two jobs; however, even with the support of Universal Credit, she is struggling to meet outgoing costs and the daily expenses of raising a young family on her own. The siblings, aged thirteen and fifteen, are currently sharing a double mattress on the floor. Your support with £200 would pay for a mattress and divan.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200This gentleman struggled to get accommodation after coming out of prison. He has worked with agencies to get help him and now has accommodation. This gentleman has managed to get some basics that he needs, but due to his low income and being reliant on benefits, he is struggling to get everything for his accommodation, and cannot afford a washing machine.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200M is terminally ill and has been having stem cell treatment to try to manage his diagnosis, in the hope of providing more comfort and a better quality of life. His wife has had to give up her job to care for him. His eldest son recently had a baby with his partner and they are living with M and his family whilst trying to find a home of their own. Please would you consider helping this family with this electric bill and making things a little easier as they go through this really difficult time? Thank you!
Still £110 left to donate
Total needed £150C is a single parent to two children. They came to the UK from Gambia, fleeing domestic abuse, and have been granted refugee status. Due to this, they left Home Office Accommodation and moved to a shared house. C had employment as a carer, but has recently lost her job. Both children go to school and this request is for funds to purchase a laptop and office bundle, needed by the eldest child for their high school education. Thank you for considering his request.
Still £125 left to donate
Total needed £180Y is a single mum who has been living in a hostel with her four children aged eleven, twelve, sixteen and eighteen years old. The family has just moved into a council house, but it is unfurnished with no beds, white goods or even a carpet. Mum, who is on Universal Credit, has saved any spare money to carpet, paint and buy something to sleep on, and she has a small cooking plate. Y is in desperate need of a washing machine to keep on top of the amount of dirty clothes created by her family. Any donations would be so gratefully received.
Still £100 left to donate
Total needed £200This single mum, who is caring for her five children, is struggling with her mental health. Mum can feel so low at times that she struggles to clean and tidy her home. We are hoping to help mum to clean and tidy the family home and would love to be able to provide the family with two wardrobes. Mum is struggling financially. Could you please help this family and struggling mum by blessing her with storage furniture? Thank you.
Still £195 left to donate
Total needed £200I am supporting a wonderful woman who is a refugee and has two children. She is working hard to gain skills to hopefully be able to go into employment. Mum needs a vacuum and a bed for her new home. These items would make life much more comfortable for her and her family.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200The single mum, who is in need, has three children, one of whom has physical disabilities. Mum has just moved into a much needed bigger Housing Association property. Due to the high costs of moving and putting in flooring, etc., the family also need one of their single mattresses renewing. We hope you can help as they will so appreciate it.
Still £50 left to donate
Total needed £55AH from Kuwait has been with our organisation for five months and is sharing a house with others. He got his outcome one month ago and received notice from the landlord that he should leave the house on 19th February. AH is looking for accommodation to cover bed and breakfast. He has applied for Universal Credit, but might have to wait more than a month for the benefit to come through. We need to support him to find temporary accommodation for one week until he gets his money.