Give to someone in need
Acts 435 is about giving to people directly, to help them bridge the gap when they are facing a financial crisis.
Can you help a specific person in need?
Read stories of the applicants below and give as you feel able. Any amount will make a big difference to someone who is struggling.
You can instead make a general donation and the Acts 435 team will allocate it to the most urgent requests.
A is married and has three children aged thirteen, nine and five, the youngest of whom has autism. They lived in rented accommodation for twelve years and were evicted due to the landlord selling. The council has placed them in temporary accommodation which has two bedrooms in a high rise block. The bedrooms have floorboards which are rough and cause splinters in the children’s feet. A's husband has started a plastering business and A work three days a week at Next.
Still £140 left to donate
Total needed £200C, a single man who is currently living in a hostel and struggling with mental health issues, has been unemployed for some time. He is on benefits, but this does not cover his hostel costs. C has limited money to live on and is not able to pay his debts. He desperately wants to clear his debts and get his life back in order. If Acts 435 could fund a smartphone so that C could receive emails, it would make a real difference to his ability to get his life back in order.
Still £70 left to donate
Total needed £100This couple have just been approved to foster their son's friend, who has been living with them since the summer due to unsuitable conditions at home. Sadly, dad has just been made redundant and so funds are tight. Social Services has offered basic assistance, but this couple are currently sleeping in the lounge so this lad can have his own room, whilst awaiting more suitable accommodation for them all. He would love a sofa bed, which will mean they can reallocate beds and establish the new norm.
Still £135 left to donate
Total needed £150E is a single mum with two dependant children who suffers from severe anxiety and depression, brought on after being attacked. This means that she has found it difficult to deal with her finances and has got into debt. E is only in receipt of benefits as she is not working due to her many health problems. She is hoping to apply for a Debt Relief Order which will enable her to start afresh with her children. In the meantime, E would appreciate help to buy food and essentials for herself and her children. Thank you.
Still £40 left to donate
Total needed £150The single mum, who is in need, has three children, one of whom has physical disabilities. Mum has just moved into a much needed bigger Housing Association property. Due to the high costs of moving and putting in flooring, etc., the family also need one of their single mattresses renewing. We hope you can help as they will so appreciate it.
Still £50 left to donate
Total needed £55K is a single mum to two daughters aged five year old and five month old daughter. She was abandoned by the father of her children in her recent pregnancy, so is struggling financially, particularly, as she is now on maternity leave from work so has a limited income. K has moved to a much needed bigger flat and has spent her savings on doing so. Mum's flat has no cooker and she would be grateful for any help to purchase one so that she can feed herself and her children appropriately.
Still £160 left to donate
Total needed £200This lady, who has been the victim of extreme financial abuse, suffers from ill health, and is reliant on Personal Independence Payment and Universal Credit. She is in debt with rent, utilities and an unpaid loan. The abuser even took the money this lady was saving for a cooker from her account. We can get her a reconditioned cooker with a six month warranty, with your help. Thank you.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200J, an older lady in her seventies, whose relationship has broken down, is struggling to make ends meet and cannot afford to stay in the house her and her husband bought together. The house is in a state of disrepair and J feels she needs to move to supported living accommodation. She does not have a phone and this is making life that much harder, leading to her feeling isolated. Please would you consider helping J to purchase a phone, so that she can reconnect and be more able to actively seek to move?
Still £100 left to donate
Total needed £100T, who has lost his job through no fault of his own, is really struggling mentally and financially. He is experiencing very dark thoughts, as he has lost his sense of worth. He feels he was dismissed unfairly, but is struggling to find the energy to fight. Please would you consider supporting T with a shopping voucher to enable him to buy food for himself whilst he negotiates this difficult time of poor mental health and financial difficulty? Thank you so much.
Still £120 left to donate
Total needed £120K is a single mum of two young children who has had the traumatic experience of domestic violence from the children's father who subsequently died to suicide, causing further trauma for mum and the children. K turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism, but has recently abstained, following her decision to become a Christian. K's cooker recently set on fire, causing damage to the whole flat. Although mum is now working, she has no savings to replace her cooker, which is much needed, so she would appreciate any help.
Still £200 left to donate
Total needed £200M is a single mum with four young children aged three to thirteen. Since mum arrived as a refugee in the UK last year, she has been working hard to adapt, determined to integrate into our local community and become self-sufficient. M cooks at home every day, but the floor in her small kitchen is very old, damaged and urgently in need of a replacement. Your donation will transform this family's home into a brighter and cleaner environment.